Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rambles: The world is going nuts!

Hello all!
I have been bed-ridden all day with a high fever and cold. Being too weak to do any work, I decided to check out the happenings of the world. I had not really gotten the chance to take a deeper look at the situation in Japan, so I started doing some research and honestly, my heart goes out to Japan and all those who have been affected by the Tsunami. I pray things get back to normal soon and no further catastrophe befalls any country again.

I then came across this one Youtube video that truly disgusted me. It is about this UCLA Student Alexandra Wallace, who portrays total insensitivity towards the Tsunami, Racism against Asians, and lots of pride for being American.
I won't start any stereotypical comments as I saw most people doing, but seriously, this girl needs to learn some manners!!

Next, I came across this very interesting link talking about Signs that we are approaching the end of the world and Jesus is near.
This article had several links to it that took me the entire day to go through, and truly shocked me! Check it out for yourself when you have the time.


The above link is a 12-page article, with several sub-links attached to it. It talks about how the world has changed tremendously at present. Large amounts of unexplained deaths of animals, mudslides, parents killing their children, children killing their parents, Crimes against women committed by men becoming worse, drugs cases and so on.

All these problems make me think why such things didn't happen as often in the past and happens now? What is the cause?
I personally think it is the advancement of Technology, Media and Loss of faith in God and Religion that causes the above.

- Technology:
The more we become "technologically advanced," the more we are relying on machines and polluting our environment.

- Media
The media has been portraying things that should not really be shown to young children as it affects their development. I can't believe how openly we can see X-rated content nowadays. We can not blame people later on for committing crimes as they have been exposed to these 'ideas' from their childhood! My friend recently told me how her little nephew and his friend started fighting at school recently. The parents later realized he reenacted the fighting move from a cartoon series he watched.
And seriously, speaking of the influence of Media, Lady Gaga's 'creative' costumes should be banned!! We shouldn't be surprised if we saw kids roaming the streets in Lady Gaga 'clothes' in the near future.

The media has also been hiding certain facts about countries that the world should know about. The world is not what we see in news channels. The world is what the media censors from us till the truth leaks! Pointing fingers at Muslims. The unfairness in Iran that was not heard of until recently,  The beauty of African countries that the media fails to show often, apart from the game parks that makes the world think we live among the elephants and lions, and we are all infected with HIV. Come on! get real! What I know so far is from the people around me and from my research. so I don't blame those who point fingers without knowing anything because they haven't taken their time to do some research.

- Loss of Faith
Nowadays, mentioning "God" or "Allah" becomes something once has to think twice about. Mind you, I mention it nonetheless. I feel it is one's wish if they want to believe in God or not. My only point is, by following the teachings of most religions, we used to learn about peace, humanity, compassion, honesty and so on. And the world was a much better place. Now people are turning into atheists; and making up their own rules as they go on. There are some atheists and free-thinkers I know who are generally good people with good values, thanks to their upbringing, but there are others who have totally lost track of their lives. I think belief in God gives us a sense of security and keeps us on the right track at the end of the day.

From the link posted above, I read of a 10 year old boy who killed his own mother because she didn't let him play his video game.
What can one say about that?
- He got the idea from somewhere.
- He had access to a gun at such a young age.
- He clearly didn't know what was right or wrong or have the fear of God in him.

If you made through this post, thank you! This was me partly venting and partly sharing my findings of my day.
PS. The above was just MY views and opinions. Am not looking for global support here. So feel free to differ but don't judge! :)

Goodnight all!

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