Monday, March 28, 2011

I got it from my Papa! - *A tribute to my wonderful father*

Hello All!

As most of the people around me know, I lost my father nearly 2 years back. Considering how fast time passes, 2 years is not that long ago.

There has not been a single day where I haven't thought about him. Whether it's just missing him, or remembering him through someone's words or actions.

I thought it was a good idea to compile a few things that he taught me, as a tribute to his love and care all the years we had him.

1. Always smile.
- This is one thing I inherited from my father rather than learn from him. My dad would always smile no matter how stressed out he was, which is probably why whenever I visualize him, I picture his charming smile and twinkling eyes.

I have noticed I do that too no matter how stressed I feel inside. I smile at everyone I know or don't know. I think it makes a big difference by reducing the stress level and building friendships with people :)

2. Don't lose your character
- Dad always gave this advice "If Wealth is lost, nothing is lost. If Health is lost, Something is lost, but if Character is lost, EVERYTHING is lost."
How true is that!  I feel people lose their character first in order to achieve the least important: Money!

I believe no matter now high or low your position is, maintain a good character. In a world where everything runs through politics, money and power, it is easy to fall into this mess and become tangled in it, hence losing oneself more and more.
I say, just be smart and alert. Don't lose yourself in the dirt.

 3. Be giving
- Whether its knowledge, money or time. Share it! Dad was always very giving, helping all those in need. Never wait for a time when you are rich to be able to help someone. Give whatever little amount you have got. Giving is the key to happiness, not receiving.
I see people spending a huge amount of money in shopping, but when it comes to giving a tiny amount to a person in need, people happen to be "broke."

4. Never stop learning
- Dad always gave first priority to education. He was always so encouraging. I remember how he used to reward me with gifts when I got good grades. How he agreed to let me come to Malaysia to study and was even nice enough to come till Malaysia to see I have settled down well here.
He was also always learning one thing or another himself and used to be full of creative ideas! You were truly inspiring, dad!

5. Perfectionism
- Dad was a perfectionist. A tiny dot out of place and he would do it all over again! He had an eye of an eagle. He wouldn't sleep till he had completed his work perfectly.

This is not always a good thing for me though, it's more of an OCD, the unfinished work tends to bug me to the point of having nightmares all night about it, but I am proud of the fact that I try to perfect the things I like or do.

So dad, this is for you. A little thank you for the things you taught me directly and indirectly. I am so proud to have you as my dad. Your teachings, your love and your memories will always remain part of me. What you did for us will never be forgotten. I love you.

Rest in Peace <3

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