Friday, March 18, 2011

Rambles: The Magic of Urine!

As disgusting as the title may sound, this is some serious sh*t! :)
I was always aware of Urine therapy being a traditional healing practice, but I didn't really think deeply about it until recently. I was complaining about Acne to my friends, when one of them said "maybe you can apply urine on your face!" I thought she was joking at first, but she convinced me that she was pretty serious by sharing a story of someone she knows, who does that and has a lovely, glowing complexion as a result!

Apparently, all you have to do is when you wake up, pee in a cup or a cotton pad and apply then all over your face for about 5 minutes, then wash it off (obviously).

I was really fascinated by that! I mean, how can something we excrete be so good for our face? I then did some extra research, and lo and behold! it was true! every person who has tried it had great things to say about it!

Below are the pros and cons I read from the reviews:
Pros: Free of charge, No side effects, 100% effective
Cons: You're applying pee on your face! Pee!

I did some further research (ain't I pathetic?) and I found out the following:
• Urine is best applied when fresh.
• It should not be applied on open wounds.
• It should not be used if one is on strong medication.

Urine has several other benefits that you can read here if you like:

I, personally, have not reached that stage of desperation to do that yet. My acne problem is not that severe (touch wood!) I don't know how I feel about this practice personally, but if it works for others, good for them! :) For me, it was just an interesting topic to discuss with you all!

Have a good weekend!

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