Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rambles: Changes!

I can't believe it's been over a month since I last blogged. I am ashamed that I let myself get so busy to stop something I love so much!

So, what's new in my life?
Well, with May, came changes. I made some spontaneous decisions on my lifestyle and I am proud to say, I am loving them all! Mind you, by spontaneous, I mean, within 5-10 minutes. That's because I don't really believe in planning. Never works for me.

Firstly, I got a haircut. I left the style to the stylist. I didn't care what he did as long as it looked different, and I love the outcome!

Next, I got my nose pierced - again. The first time, my nose had rejected it. This time, I got it done on the left side and it's doing pretty well so far :)

I also decided to work my a** off to get my six-pack that I have been dreaming about for years. Well, for starters, get rid of the fat to make space for the packs...haha. I can feel the difference already. I feel more active and motivated!

I also turned Vegetarian! Well, not completely, but I omitted Beef, Chicken and Mutton from my diet. I replaced that with more veggies, fruits, beans, yoghurt and fish. I have also reduced rice from my diet. It not only feels right, it is much healthier this way! I will write more detailed blog posts about some of these changes separately.

I don't know what led me to do all the above, but I believe that change is important, especially if it's a positive change. If you have been thinking of doing something and can't seem to decide when to start, I say, just go for it. Don't think too much. I feel gradual change is much more difficult than spontaneous change. At least, that's how it works for me.

My advice, don't do too much of one thing for so long that you get bored with yourself. Try new things. Make positive changes in your life. Dream big, and work towards your dreams!


  1. Would like to know about the six pack work out :) and yeah how cum i didn't see ur new haircut pic :l .. update soon !

    And keep posting :)


  2. I will definitely post some pics soon. About the six pack work out, it's not easy at all man...takes forever...but the little changes keep me motivated. I will write more about the work out in my future posts :)
    Thanks for your comment, Wajeeha :)
