Monday, April 11, 2011

Rambles: What pisses me off at shopping malls!

Warning: This is a rant post!

I thought I would share with you some of the things that piss me off the most at Malaysian Shopping Malls. I say Malaysian, because I don't know how the system is in other countries.

1. What I see in Malaysia, are extremely rude salesmen, trying to "help" customers to shop. They tag along behind you as soon as you enter the store and don't leave your side. For me, It takes away the freedom of looking at the stuff nicely because you have a salesperson practically stuck behind you, it kind of pressurizes me.
Yesterday I went shopping and this sales lady rudely jumped in front of me, without a "May I help you" or a smile, and then followed me around like I was going to steal their stuff. I got so angry, I deliberately walked round and round the same rack a few times till she got the message and stopped following me.

ADVICE: If you are a salesperson and you want to help, ask once if the person needs assistance. If the person says "no, thanks, just looking", move away! If you don't trust the customer, go stare at the CCTV recordings or something, you might lose potential customers if you keep following them around!!

2. If you are a beautician working at some cosmetics counter, don't stop people and mention their flaws to them very directly and suggest solutions. I am sure there is a more polite way of suggesting a product!

I met this manner-less character yesterday while I made my way to one of the counters. This lady jumped in my way and suggested a cream to lighten "my dark lips". Hello! I know my flaws and I don't need a person coming over to me and mentioning them to me like that! I managed to escape and head towards the counter I was aiming for. On my way back, I saw the same predator hunting for another prey. I saw her spot a young woman who was with her friends and I saw her wildly gesturing with her hands; pointing under her eyes to indicate she has some stupid cream available for the woman's under eye circles.
I know, my description makes her look like a chimp. well, she did look like one. Maybe I should have suggested an evolution cream to her!

3. I went to a store a couple of weeks back and bought a nice pendant and necklace for my friend. Then I headed over to the shoes section to check them out with the necklace in my hand. The salesperson came after me and asked if I was buying the necklace. I told her yes I was. She rudely snatched it from me and placed it on the counter without a word or a smile, like I was going to steal it or something.
Before I made the payment, I asked her her name so I can make a complaint later, but I decided to just let it go later on.

So guys, above are the few of the many things that take the fun of shopping away from us. Strangely, all the above mentioned things share a common cause: SALESMEN!

Now since we have touched this topic, I might as well point out another thing about sales-ladies.
Firstly, Working at a makeup store promoting makeup, does NOT mean you have to put on the entire stores' make up at one go! Humongous fake eye lashes, Bright pink cheeks, heavy glitter on the lids with colourful eye shadow, will not tempt people to purchase the make up. Well, atleast it wont tempt me! I personally LOVED the flawless natural make up the girl from Estee lauder at Parkson Alamanda applied. It looked beautiful!

So girls, if you are a saleslady reading this, and you have made through this post without getting offended and took the positive message from it, remember to SMILE, BE POLITE, HELPFUL and STOP STALKING. Yup, just the kind of things yo' mama taught you.

PS. No keyboards were destroyed during the writing of this post.

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