Sunday, September 25, 2011

Book Review: Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella

Hi all! Today I will be writing a mini-review on this book I read recently. It is by Sophie Kinsella, and it's called Twenties Girl.
The story is about a twenty seven year old woman who attends her great-aunt's funeral and discovers that she can actually see her deceased great aunt who is on a mission to find her dragonfly necklace before she can rest in peace.

The young woman on the other hand has recently broken up with her boyfriend and is also undergoing problems at work.

With the great aunt, the young woman goes through several exciting adventures, and they form a great bond together.

As interesting as the story-line is by itself, there is something else that really touched me about it.

The great aunt was a really old and neglected person before she passed away. No one knew her or bothered about her. When she appears as a spirit, she is back in her twenties and has a lovely adventurous personality. It makes me realize that people don't really grow old, their body limits them to do the things they want to do. They would still love to dance, go out and do everything younger people do.
Growing older doesn't mean one has to behave in a limited way, that is depression, not ageing! It is all in the mind.

This book is a great read. It made me feel more alive and increased my respect for people of all ages and kept me entertained while it lasted! :)

Make sure you read it!

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