Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rambles: Recurring Number - everywhere!

Hello Bloggers and Blog readers!

I had taken a little break from blogging as I tried adjusting to my new lifestyle. With tons of things to juggle at once, it became a bit difficult to blog daily.
Well, here I am today, down with a cold and a perfect opportunity to share something personal with you all.

Have you ever learned about something or someone that we never knew existed and suddenly they're everywhere? on the radio, uttered from everyone's lips and on every billboard you see? quite common, right?
Now what would it mean if we saw this particular thing for years and years? without obsessing over it or deliberately looking for it?

That's my story.

I have been seeing a number for the past 4-5 years. It's the number 43. I know, there is a movie just like that (The Number 23); but I have been experiencing this before I even heard about the movie.

I don't know if there is any meaning behind it, but sometimes it gets a bit uncomfortable for me to see it everywhere. When I look at the time, its XX:43. If I look at my laptop battery status, its on 43%, when I look at the views on my Youtube video, its 43,000 and so on.

Once, I was in my room preparing to sleep in the dark, my phone was lying next to me, untouched. It suddenly does a network search and the backlight goes on, guess what I see? 10:43pm.
and then the light goes off again.

If I deliberately look for it, expecting to see it, it won't be there. It's just when I subconsciously look at something when I see it.

I was never one to believe in numerology or superstitions, but this thing really makes me wonder, since it's been going on for years now. After dad passed away, it stopped for a while. Now  for the past 6 months or so, it's back.

I have heard several interpretations of it. Some say its a good thing, some say it's bad, I have no idea what to believe in.

Some people make fun of it and some people say it's just in my head. I feel you can't judge till you have experienced it for yourself. I have met a few people who see the same number or some other number and they are just as confused as I am, but with this confusion, I feel a sense of comfort, knowing that I am not alone.

If you bump into my blog and come across this post, and coincidentally happen to experience the same, please feel free to post a comment and share your story.

Have a good Sunday evening with your families and loved ones :)

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