Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm back!

There was a time when I used to blog about each thought, each idea, and then suddenly I went dead. What happened?
Workaholism hit me as usual. I got fully engrossed with work and had no time for anything else, and as it usually is with Routine, while some people like the stability of daily routine, I started to get seriously bored.

I knew it was time for change.

We all know change is not always easy. Especially when it is a big one. With big changes, come fear, risks and excitement. A special friend once mentioned this line to me "This will pass too" and this line gave me unbelievable courage to make these changes. Everything we go through is going to pass eventually, be it good or bad. So rather than holding on to the negative feelings of fear/resentment/nervousness etc, we should just remain calm and neutral to them and let them pass.

First step I took was to resign from my very nice job.
Next, I decided to move back to Tanzania, and start over a new life there.
I brought my little Shih Tzu puppy together with me and that involved many risks as well along the way.

Point of the story is, had I not taken these steps, I would never have enjoyed the fruits of it all, and I feel proud and optimistic about the future.

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