Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rambles: Zero Expectations and a Positive Mindset

Hey guys!

Hope you all had a good weekend. Today I want to share with you my new motto in life.

It's having Zero expectations and a Positive Mindset

Have you ever experienced one or more or all of the following:
- Been promised something and ended up not getting it?
- Been promised more than what you got?
- Had great plans with loved ones that ended up getting cancelled?
- Really cared about a friend who didn't give a damn in return?

All this leads to disappointment if you are really EXPECTING it and looking forward to it.

From what I feel, it is better to not expect anything till it actually happens, and then have a blast with it! Expecting something, waiting for it, no matter how confirmed it seems, is a mistake, because the universe works in strange ways, while we are looking forward to something, something else is happening on the other side that changes the turn of events.

At the same time, this does not mean that we have to do this in a pessimistic way. We can hold the excitement of it for when it really happens. Then there are no disappointments and only joy!

The keyword here is taking it easy. Not over-analyzing things.

Also, if you have a goal, don't rush it just to expect results. Enjoy the JOURNEY of achieving this goal. This will increase the chances of achieving it. Be passionate about the goal. Love working on it.
Success will eventually come, but if you only linger on the thought of expecting results, then you will only be disappointed.

Remember, this is just my opinion and if you can feel free to differ :)

Have a great day everyone!

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