Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rambles: Bad habits

Okay, so I discussed my good and healthy habits in my previous post. Now it's time for the bad ones!!!

1. Coffee, of course.
- People close to me know that I am a big time coffee-addict! I not only drink coffee, I also think coffee and sleep coffee. Okay, that's a bit of an exageration, but I do drink up to 3 cups a day and wish I could have more.

The bad thing about it is that I don't want to quit. I do want to reduce to 2 cups, but I really enjoy my coffee time!
Strange thing about that is that I used to hate coffee before, I used to have it as medicine during my school days, and now I yearn for its smell, its taste, its effect on me *sigh*

My third cup usually makes me feel dizzy, so I try not to have it in short intervals.
This is one bad habit that I am quite okay with.

2. Out of Focus.
This is a very shameful confession. I sometimes tend to lose my concentration while talking to a person because I end up looking at 'how' they talk to me, their body language, their confidence etc and I tend to lose focus on "what" they are telling me! So if you suddenly heard a "mmmm" as a response from me, it probably means I have drifted off to a psychological-analyzing-zombie state. lol! Don't freak out though, there is nothing bad that I think about the person. I just like to observe.

3. Thinking too much?
- I guess this is the worst habit I have. I tend to over-analyze EVERYTHING about myself. I can spend hours with myself, just thinking about things. My mind works 24/7. I also tend to read between non-existent lines when people say something.

4.  Forgiveness.
I know forgiving is a big thing, but for me, I am either your best friend or your worst enemy. It is very hard for me to forget something. Even though I try to forgive, I will still hold a slight grudge against you. I tend to give my 100% to someone or something until I get let down. It's not like I would take revenge or anything, I just stop giving a damn.

5. Room Cluttered with clothes
- I have this very weird habit from childhood. My dad would always say he felt dizzy entering my room because I tend to pile up my clothes in a huge mountain on a selected location, e.g. a chair. till they reach a point of toppling over, then I finally put them back to their designated places :D

So, these are FEW of my bad habits/behavioral problems he he.

Enjoy reading! Have a great day everyone!


  1. i've heard that mmm quite many times..hahaha

  2. Oops! Ha ha! Confessing it wasn't as embarrassing as reading this comment...he he, but am pretty sure I did catch every word you said (on top of the observations :P)
