Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Recipe: Chicken and Mushroom Stir-fry!

Hi all!

Today I'd like to share with you this delicious recipe of mine. Read on if you like what you see :-)

Chicken and Mushroom Stir-fry
(serves 3 people (or two VERY hungry people)
You will need:
- About 350gms of chicken fillet (as shown in the picture below)
- About Half of a capsicum (cut as shown below)
- 1 Medium sized onion (Cut as shown below)
- salt and pepper to taste
- Garlic, chopped
- Ginger, chopped
- Mushrooms, sliced
- Tomato Puree
- Soy Sauce
- Oyster Sauce
- *Hot sauce 
- *Parmesan Cheese (grated)
- *Potatoes for French Fries or frozen French fries
- Oil for frying

For the Marinade:
- Wash the chicken nicely and cut into about 1-inch cubes
- Place these cubes in a container and add salt, pepper, 3 tbsp Soy Sauce, 2 tbsp Oyster sauce, 1 tsp of chopped garlic and 1 tsp of chopped ginger to it.
- Close the lid or seal with cling film wrap and place it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

The marinade

While the chicken is marinating, you can keep yourself busy by frying your french fries, and preparing the veggies for the next stage.

The boring French fries-frying process.

After your have marinated your chicken for about an hour, fry it on medium heat till it's cooked well. Make sure you don't overcook or undercook it. Just observe it, and you will know :-)

Doesn't look that tempting yet, but smells delicious!

Now comes the fun part!

- Put 1-2 tbsp of oil in a pan
- Saute the mushrooms with 1 teaspoon of garlic, salt and pepper on medium heat
- After about 2 minutes, add onion and capsicum.

Love this combination!

- Saute for a few more minutes till you feel the onion and capsicum pieces begin to slightly soften.
- Now add about 2 tbsp of Soy sauce, 2 tbsp of Oyster sauce, 1 tbsp of hot sauce (depends on how hot you want it to be), and about 2 tbsp of tomato puree.

- Stir it and let it cook for a while.

- You can add half a glass of water to it to lighten the consistency.
- Now add your chicken pieces into it.

- Cover the lid and let the flavors combine and strengthen the taste for about 5-7 minutes on low heat. 
- Make sure you are there to monitor it. We don't want to burn it at this stage!

Your chicken and mushroom stir-fry is now ready!

If you want, add grated cheese to your french fries and bake for about 5-7 minutes in your oven for an extra delicious treat!

...And Voila! My dear friends, your food is ready! Enjoy it! 

I served mine with Arabian bread and these delicious mouth watering French Fries, you can serve yours with rice, veggies or anything you feel like having that day!

Have a great day everyone!

Health: A Miracle Cure for Sore Throat and Cough

Hey guys!
I hope you are all in the best of health and not affected by changes in weather as I am here. If you are one of the unlucky ones who have been attacked by a deadly cough that has not been cured in spite of several medications and herbal options, you have come to the right place.

The past 40 days have been hell for me. I have had this cough that really doesn't want to leave. I gave up hope on doctors after they prescribed 3 different antibiotics to me on each visit, which didn't work at all. I suffered the side effects of taking too much medication: weakness, loss of concentration, weight loss, depression and so on. I just gave up trying.

This is not one of those pages where I gush about a wonderful solution to something and ask you to pay for it in the end. This is a free miraculous cure that is found in your kitchen; offered from me to you with the hope that you will share it with everyone as it was shared with me.

Here's what you need.
- A Lime
- A tablespoon of Soy Sauce

Method and Directions:
- Cut your lime in half.
- Pour the Soy sauce into the lime
- Squeeze the mixture into your mouth and swallow it.

PS. DO NOT try to taste it. It is NOT a pleasant combination!

Some of you may wonder why we need the soy sauce. Well, according to my research, soy sauce neutralizes the acidity of the lime to make it drinkable. It does not really take any part in curing the cough.

I can proudly say that I am 95% better now; and what helped me is this mixture. Of course, along with that, I took lots of warm water, ginger tea and so on, but this is the one that brought immediate relief.

I thank this lovely lady I know for sharing this with me. It doesn't sound like much of a big deal, but if you have been suffering as much as I did, you will know how much it means.

Hope you all have a good day! In my next post, I will be sharing a delicious recipe that you don't want to miss, so please keep checking! :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Health: Let's go Herbal with Ginger Tea!

It's been nearly three weeks now since I have had my nasty, chesty cough. It is really annoying and I just can't seem to get rid of it. I have completed my antibiotics dosage, a bottle of cough syrup, lots of warm water, eaten lots of fruits and veggies, but nope! The cough wants to stay! Once I cough, I just can't stop. (Thank you for the slogan, Pringles!)

So yeah, I have gone through various kinds of medicines and decided to completely go herbal now.

I have now decided to turn to folk medicine, and the first one I tried is one from my own folks! (my sweet mother)

My mother always told me to boil a few pieces of ginger in water and drink it when I have a cold or fever, it instantly warms the body and makes us feel better.

Ginger, for many centuries, has been a natural remedy for various problems.
Below is a list of some of the ailments ginger can cure:
• Stimulates digestion
• Naturally freshens breath
• Relieves nausea, including dizziness from motion sickness
• Helps lower cholesterol
• Relieves gas and bloating
• Soothes common cold symptoms, including respiratory infections
• Eases menstrual cramps
• Relieves headaches
• Helps stop diarrhea
• Believed to have anti-cancer properties

(Source: http://stacienaczelnik.hubpages.com/hub/Ginger-The-Benefits-How-to-Use)

Today I decided on researching more about ginger. I found this really nice ginger tea recipe here.

Basically, you have to grate ginger, add crushed garlic and boil the mixture in water for a few minutes. Once it has boiled, add a tablespoon of honey and squeeze a wedge of lemon into it and drink it warm. You will feel the difference instantly!

I tried it today, it was really strong and the taste wasn't that good, but it really helped relieve my cough.

If you decide to try it, make sure you inhale it while it is boiling and while you drink it.

All the above ingredients have different health benefits.
Garlic is considered a natural antibiotic. Lemon boosts the immune system. Ginger has the above mentioned benefits and honey contains antioxidants that help sooth sore throat.

I think it is much better than all the stuff that we get at hospitals that apparently didn't work for me this time.

I will keep drinking this for a few days and let you know if it worked!

Have a  great weekend guys!