Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Recipe: Funky Veggie Omelette

Are you really, really hungry and need something appetizing to eat but have no patience to prepare something big?

Are you sick of eating the traditional omelette or sunny side up?

Here's a funky omelette recipe to your rescue!

What you need:
- A medium size tomato, chopped without the pulp
- An onion, chopped
- a clove of garlic, crushed
- chilli powder/pepper
- salt to taste
- mushrooms, chopped
- cheese (optional)
- potato cubes, fried (optional)
- a pinch of turmeric powder
- oil or butter

- Beat 2 eggs in a bowl, add in the tomato, onion, garlic, salt, turmeric, chilli/pepper. set aside
- Add a tbsp of oil or butter in a frying pan, and saute the mushrooms in it for a minute on low heat.
- Add the fried potato in it and spread out the mushroom and potatoes evenly over the frying pan.
- Add your beaten omelette mixture to it and let it cook for a while
- Flip the omelette to the other side, being careful to not break it.
- Cook for about 2-3 more minutes
- Add cheese to the omelette and fold it in half
- Tadaa! Funky omelette is ready to devour!

You can eat that plain, or with bread. It's really delicious!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Book Review: Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella

Hi all! Today I will be writing a mini-review on this book I read recently. It is by Sophie Kinsella, and it's called Twenties Girl.
The story is about a twenty seven year old woman who attends her great-aunt's funeral and discovers that she can actually see her deceased great aunt who is on a mission to find her dragonfly necklace before she can rest in peace.

The young woman on the other hand has recently broken up with her boyfriend and is also undergoing problems at work.

With the great aunt, the young woman goes through several exciting adventures, and they form a great bond together.

As interesting as the story-line is by itself, there is something else that really touched me about it.

The great aunt was a really old and neglected person before she passed away. No one knew her or bothered about her. When she appears as a spirit, she is back in her twenties and has a lovely adventurous personality. It makes me realize that people don't really grow old, their body limits them to do the things they want to do. They would still love to dance, go out and do everything younger people do.
Growing older doesn't mean one has to behave in a limited way, that is depression, not ageing! It is all in the mind.

This book is a great read. It made me feel more alive and increased my respect for people of all ages and kept me entertained while it lasted! :)

Make sure you read it!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Beauty: Body Shop Japanese Cherry Blossom Eau de Toilette

A few weeks back, I got the Japanese Cherry Blossom Eau de Toilette as a gift. There are very few perfumes that I like because I prefer light scents that one can not sniff from a mile away. Those that do not cause headaches and are just good enough to make you smell good and fresh for a long period of time.

I am happy to say that this perfume is one of them. It comes in a 50ml bottle, which is not that big, but good enough for the price we pay for it. It has a romantic flowery/fruity scent and at the same time, it is not excessively flowery or fruity. It is just a perfect blend making it ideal for young to older women.

The packaging is really cute as well, it successfully brings out the "romance" concept of the perfume with the use of pink in its cover together with illustrations of cherry blossoms.

I love it, and I totally recommend it for all! :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Rambles: How to Judge People

I have had this in my mind for a while and thought of sharing this Nooreenism with you.

- Judge people by their Morals, not their Religion
- Judge people by their Capabilities, not their Education
- Judge people by their Actions, not their Words
- Judge people by their Present, not Their past
- Judge people by who they are, not who we want them to be.

...But if possible, don't judge at all, for who are we to judge in the first place!

Live and Let Live :)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Beauty: My experience with MAC Studio Fix Fluid Foundation

A few months back, I posted a review on the Estee Lauder Mineral foundation and how wonderful it was.In spite of its wonderful qualities, I also mentioned that it didn't stay on for very long and had to be reapplied after a few hours (especially if you had to wear it all day long).

Anyway, recently, I decided to put my MAC studio fix fluid foundation again and due to its wonderful coverage with just a bit of product, I fell in love with it and began applying it on a daily basis.

image from

BIG MISTAKE!!! I didn't notice this immediately, but after a while I realized that I was breaking out everyday! a new zit every day on my cheeks!

I thought maybe my cleansing regime wasn't very good, so I made sure I was more careful and removed every trace of makeup. Then I thought it was because of my coffee addiction, so I cut down coffee. Nope! the pimples kept popping up! 

Then one day, I felt strong nostalgia over my Estee Lauder foundation. I missed the natural radiant look it gave. So I put it on again, and as usual, reapplied over the next days (till now); and guess what? my daily zits have stopped! 

I feel relieved to have finally found the cause and a solution. 

But then again, we should also note that not everyone's skin is the same and what doesn't work for me can work for others. I have friends who use MAC foundation, and it doesn't affect them. My mother also uses MAC and she has no break outs. 

 suggest you give it a try if you want proper coverage, but if you have sudden break outs, you know what the cause is. 

Please note that am not trashing this brand/product. I am just sharing my own personal experience with this specific type of foundation by MAC. 

Thanks for reading, and have an awesome day everyone! :)